Beiträge von vasioz im Thema „17-18-19'' alloys“

    Hi Mbm
    I took delivery of my 1.4 Xcellence DSG a little bit more than a month ago, 2WD as yours, and was the first one in CH to order it with the 19" machined alloys, since they were here available as an option only in the 4WD! Order book suddenly opened beginning of last December, was lucky to order them before a production date was blocked! They are mounted with 235/45/19 Continental winter tires (am to switch to Bridgestone summer ones next week, same size - all from the official SEAT dealer here), and can tell you that the ride is excellent!! I would never "downgrade" to 18", since I do not believe that there is a lot of difference, at least according to my exigences.
    Good luck with the purchase of your new alloys.